The Swedish Tumor Microenvironment (STorM) Program and Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM)
invites you to:
The Swedish Tumor Microenvironment Meeting 2019
Umeå Folkets Hus, Sweden – April 9 – 11
Organizing committee:
Taija Mäkinen, Uppsala University, Kristian Pietras, Lund University,
Daniel Öhlund, Umeå University, Arne Östman, Karolinska Institute
The objectives of this meeting are to present new discoveries and advances made the field of tumor microenvironment (TME) research. The meeting will focus on the heterogeneity and the different roles of the microenvironment in cancer. Many aspects of the microenvironment will be discussed, including cancer-associated fibroblasts, the extracellular matrix, nerves, the immune compartment, and vasculature, with internationally recognized experts in their respective field invited to give plenary talks. In addition, ongoing TME research in Sweden will be presented through posters and short talks selected from submitted abstracts.
Sessions and invited speakers:
The role of cancer-associated fibroblasts in cancer
Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, The Institut Curie, France
Louis Vermeulen, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The microbiome and cancer therapy resistance
Leore Geller, (Ravid Straussman’s lab), Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Nerves in cancer
Claire Magnon, Institute of cellular and Molecular Radiation Biology, France
Immune cells and cancer
Sandy McAllister, Harvard Medical School, USA
Thomas Blankenstein, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Germany
The tumor vasculature
Hellmut Augustin, The German Cancer Research Center
Novel methods to study the tumor microenvironment
Je H. Lee, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA
Representatives from SciLifeLab
Clinical aspects of the tumor mircoenvironment: Ongoing clinical trials
Elias Kouchakji, Fibrogen, USA
Who should attend the meeting?
Scientists (clinicians and basic scientists) with an interested in the tumor microenvironment. PhD-students and post-docs are especially encouraged to attend.
Language: English
Number of Participants: 200
Registration Fee: SEK 2.000
Application and abstract deadline: March 31, 2019 – Abstract submission is closed!
Abstract: Maximum 2 500 characters.
What is included in the registration fee?
Admission to all scientific sessions
Final Program (print out)
Coffee/tea during breaks
Lunches (April 9, 10, 11)
Dinners (April 9, 10)
Hotel rooms during the meeting
Hotel rooms are pre-booked with discounted rate at:
Comfort Hotel Winn, Skolgatan 62, price 1246 SEK/night excl VAT
Booking code: GR007202
Profil Hotel Aveny, Rådhusesplanaden 14, price
1335 SEK/night, excl VAT
Booking code: 17177478.
NOTE! Hotel rooms are not included in the congress fee. The hotel rooms have to be
booked and paid by each participant.
We hope that this will be an interesting and productive meeting and look forward to see you in Umeå in April 2019.
The meeting is sponsored by:
The Swedish Cancer Society
The Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
Cancer Academy North